I was out last week with knee surgery and was unable to write you notes--thanks to all who wished me a speedy recovery. After one week, I am back at Cherry Tree Hill gimping around.
Wearable Art Classes at Stitches
For those of you inquiring about my class at Stitches: Please contact me about homework--there is a little bit and I would like to get your yarns and worksheets out to you soon. You can still sign up for this class--please do it soon so that you have plenty of time to spend on your garment. We're making wearable art tams and I want to make sure everyone has plenty of time to get their blanks finished before class.
Hand-Crafted Doll Kits - They Make You Smile
Dolly Mamas have announced that they are going to make kits from my doll. Here is a photo of her
wearing her wristlets and tam with the actual wristlets shown in Knitter's Magazine. You may recall that I wore the Cherry Tam for years. Now I wear my wearable art Painted Tam, the same one you will make in my classes. I will be bringing the doll, wristlets and tam to Stitches Midwest. The doll kit will be available soon--I believe we are getting the first set of kits.New Self Striping Fingerpaints Yarn Pattern
We have a new Fingerpaints pattern available called A Little Bit Country, plus you can preorder our next set of 10 colors. These will be available in August and you can preview the colors on our Website.New Website
We're going to be moving, upgrading and redesigning our Website soon, let us know if there are any features that you want to see, or don't want to see. Contact [email protected] or our Web guy, [email protected].I'm going to TKGA Manchester in two week if I can walk without my crutches. Maybe I'll see you there?
Happy Knitting!