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July 21, 2008


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Too bad about "Nantucket Red"--I really liked it. How about "amber waves" for #4?


I like #2...how about "Ocean depths?

Mystery Bridgers

How about "burdock" for number 1. It reminds me of burdock root both in the color and shape of the long thin skein.

Brenda Jong

I vote for number 2.
Name it something like.
'Clear Skies Blue'


I also like #4.

On my computer screen it looks like hungarian paprika which is my contest name for it.


I vote for #3 and would call it "Menschy Moss".
A "mensch" is a Yiddish word for someone with
character ie a classy person who lives his or her life by doing what is right.

Carol W.

I like #6--looks like Lipstick. In a shade I could never pull off. So, how about Lipstick.


I like #3. I've been listening to "Provence A to Z" by Peter Mayles, and just heard the listing for absinthe (the green liquor notorious in the 19th c. as the cause of Van Gogh cutting off his ear), so Absinthe is my suggestion.

Kim B.

They are all beautiful but I vote for number 2. I would call it Deep Ocean Blue


I like #5; looks like a Velvet Sky to me.


I really like #1 & immediately "Heathcliff" sprang to mind. Y'know, Wuthering Heights!

I would knit some socks out of that yarn & pretend I was standing on the moors with my arms full of heather. :)

Jo Ellen

I vote for #3 - Xanadu Green. It's beautiful and peaceful.


1. Violetta
2. Havasu Blue (favorite)
3. Malachite
4. Barn Red
5. Turkish Blue
6. Rosa


I like #6 knock out rose. becouse of it looking like some of the roses colors out there.


1. Violetta
2. Havasu Blue (favorite)
3. Malachite
4. Barn Red
5. Turkish Blue
6. Rosa


#4 Roasted Chestnut


#3 is Smith Mountain Spring
I tried to take a picture of that colorway & capture it this spring but it just didn't turn out...
Smith Mountain, BTW, is at Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia...where #4 is deep of the heart of autumn...


#4 "Bronze Age"


I absolutely love numbers 1 & 4. The blues are nice too, but even though blue is my favorite color, I think it is easy to find awesome blues and the market would be enriched more if either 1 or 4 would be added to th collection.

I love, love, love coming up with names. This is why I want to suggest something for each color :)

1) Barking Mad
2) The Baltic Breeze (I live right next to the Baltic Sea and love it)
3) Tannenbaum
4) Goliath (Copper -> David Copperfield -> David -> Goliath) This is my absolute favorite!
5) Knight in Shining (Very heraldic!)
6) My Favorite Crayon


I like #6 and would call it "passion fruit pink"!


Adam votes Squished Grape for #1 and I like paprika for number 4. Whomever voted malachite, I like that name also.

For number 2 I thought powdered blue.


I vote for #2 - melancholy. It's sort of a deeper, more intense blue.

JoAnn Trenary

#3 Green Chilis (I like #4 too!)

Tucky Sancibrian

I like #2 and it reminds me of a "Blue Lagoon"


Love #4. I'd call it Pumpkin Spice Latte.

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